Better Family Life is committed to ensuring Missouri has an accurate count of its citizens during the 2020 census. In December 2018, Governor Mike Parson established the Missouri 2020 Complete Committee. The Missouri Complete Committee is a collaboration of volunteers from the government, businesses, non-profits, and community groups across the state. Its mission is to perform all efforts possible to ensure an accurate and timely count of all persons living in Missouri by focusing its resources on promoting local outreach, identifying hard to count population, and implementing an inclusive statewide outreach program.
The 2020 Census is your chance to make sure the hard-earned tax dollars you send to Washington, D.C. make their way back to Missouri. For every adult and every child that is not counted in the census, our state will lose $1,300 in federal dollars every year. When every Missourian is counted, we get more money for roads and bridges, hospitals, and schools. Respond to the 2020 Census. Because Missouri Counts! Because You Count!